El Govern aprueba el Plan Director de Energías Renovables

El Consell de Govern ha aprobado este viernes, a propuesta de la Conselleria de Economía y Competitividad, el Plan Director Sectorial Energético de Baleares relativo a la ordenación territorial de las energías renovables en las Islas, con el que se pretende impulsar el desarrollo de energía fotovoltaica y eólica, dar seguridad jurídica y favorecer proyectos […]

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La Termodinámica, una fuente de energía inagotable.

Termodinamica, la gran desconocida. En el mundo de las energías renovables encontramos una energía muy eficiente pero bastante desconocida que puede ofrecernos importantes ahorros. Esta fuente energética es la energía termodinámica. La termodinámica consiste en la captación de energía de la temperatura ambiental ya sea para generar calor, empleado en calefacción o Agua Caliente Sanitaria […]

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  The Solaris Sun Shade is a solar-powered umbrella concept that provides shade while powering a laptop and other gadgets – using solar energy to create new work and leisure spaces with the sun. Designed by José Vicente, the system is equipped with photovoltaic panels that allow users to charge their electronics with clean, renewable […]

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A Lo-tech air harvester aims to alleviate the effect of drought on agriculture

Dependent on regional agriculture for sustenance and economic security, rural communities are often the hardest hit by droughts. Following a twelve-year dry spell in southeastern Australia’s Murray Darling basin, Edward Linnacre saw the need for a lo-tech solution to maintain agriculture in particularly arid climates. The Swinburne University of Technology student created Airdrop, an “air […]

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Baterias Solares

SunCat C-cell Batteries by Knut Karlsen Nix Need For Power Outlets Altogether I thought USB batteries were cutting edge, but these solar batteries certainly dominate in this power battle. The innovative green-charging option lets you juice up your batteries simply by exposing them to sunlight — that’s it; no electrical sockets, ever. Knut Karlsen dubbed […]

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Las revolucionarias micro turbinas eólicas de Philippe Starck

‘revolutionair WT 1KW’ by philippe starck the micro wind turbine is revolutionary for two reasons: the innovative shape and the ability to be used at home. it is, in fact, a true object of design, aesthetically pleasing and suitable for mass-production, in line with modern patterns of distribution of energy from renewable sources. the turbines, […]

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